What Do Space Junk and Your Exes Have in Common?

February 14, 2023
Space debris is like an ex:
you can't wish it away, but it's a good reminder to make better choices in the future.
Privateer's mission is to keep the planet as free from unwelcome interference as possible. And while we don't have enough PhDs to figure out whatever you have going on with your exes, we CAN have a little fun by putting them on the same level as the space trash plaguing Earth's orbital highways.
We posted the above and got a phenomenal response! Thanks to everyone who participated in this fun Valentine's Day-themed game. With the names submitted, we've made a video of an all-exes edition of Wayfinder debris for you to check out below. Under that, you can find your official* certificate, assigning your ex to a specific piece of tracked space junk via a NORAD ID number.
So now you can watch your ex's space trash orbit Earth on Wayfinder, just type the NORAD ID listed on your certificate into the search bar on the upper left. Think of it as a healthy alternative to stalking them on Instagram. (And a great way to educate your friends and family on the issues we face on our journey to space sustainability.)
*By "official", we mean "not at all official". Let's be real, we obviously have zero authority to do something like that.