Committed to Equality

May 6, 2022
As an employer, Privateer Space strives to protect the health, equality, and well-being of our team. As a sustainability-minded space company, we support government regulations that are scientifically informed and equitable.
To say the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is at odds with these Privateer principles is an understatement.
Not only is this decision an attack on individual rights that will perpetuate inequality amongst women, but it is also medically uninformed and socioeconomically discriminatory.
We are proud to be headquartered in Hawaii, the first state in the nation that allowed the procedure performed by a doctor at a pregnant person’s request. For both medical and social reasons, access to safe abortion is a critical right.
Privateer will ensure that any employees who live in states where abortion is or will be banned are not deprived of this right.
Effective immediately, we will cover the costs necessary for employees in need of an abortion to travel to a state where safe, legal treatment is available.
We can’t undo what the Supreme Court has done, but we can support the well-being of all our employees to the best of our ability. As the legal situation evolves, Privateer will continue to evaluate options for how we can better support our employees if and when they are impacted.